What is it?
We offer a camera-sharing feature that allows you to share your account with other REVEAL users without sharing your login credentials! It is only available on app versions 2.5.0 or higher.
Is there an extra cost?
No, this is a free feature on the app.
How do you share a camera?
1. To share a camera, select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner of the app on the home screen
2. Select Share A Camera
3. Enter the email address for the Reveal User you wish to share with.
Important: It has to be a current Reveal Users email, but they do not need to have an active plan or camera on their account.
4. Select the camera(s) you would like to share
5. Tap Save
Click here for a video tutorial
How do I know if someone has shared a camera with me?
You will receive a banner notification that someone is sharing a camera with you.
- If you do not receive a notification, you may want to go into your settings and check that the notification is turned on for shared cameras.
- OR you can select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner and select cameras
- If an invitation to a new camera(s) has been sent to you, a red dot indicator will appear beside the Shared column
How do I accept a Shared camera(s) invite?
1. Select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner
2. Select 'My Cameras'
3. Under the shared tab you will see all of the shared accounts and underneath the account recently shared to you you will see "Accept All" or you can click the drop arrow to select individual cameras you'd wish to see.
How do I decline a camera(s) if I don't want access?
1. Select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner
2. Select 'My Cameras'
3. Select the shared tab
4.. Select the user that is sharing with you then next to the shared camera hit the "X" to deny
5.. Then select Decline invitation.
To regain access as a guest to cameras that were shared with you, but declined you will need to reach out to the Reveal user who sent you the invitation and have them re-share.
How do I view photos from a camera shared with me?
Select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner
Go to the Shared column
Select 'See All Shared Media' or go to the host’s camera you wish to see photos from and select "See Shared Feed" under their name.
Do I get notifications of new pictures on shared cameras?
No, you will not get notifications of new photos. You will ONLY get notifications for new cameras shared to you.
Can I delete photos from the cameras shared with me?
No, you cannot delete photos from another’s camera feed that’s shared with you.
Can I make a gallery of shared photos?
No, you cannot make a gallery from shared camera photos, but you can download them to your phone.
How do I stop sharing a camera feed with another user?
On the home page select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner
Select shared cameras and then select the user you wish to stop sharing cameras with
Tap the toggle switch from ON (green) to the OFF position (black)
Can I reshare after revoking access?
Yes, just tap the toggle switch back ON and it will show a Pending status in yellow
How do I turn off access to a camera feed that was shared with me?
Select the three lines in the upper left-hand corner
Select My Cameras and then Shared
Select the user name sharing their camera(s) with you and then the drop arrow
Choose the camera you wish to stop receiving photos from and select the trash can in the upper right-hand corner
Can I regain access as a guest to the cameras shared with me that I removed?
Yes, but you will have to ask the host to send you another invitation.
How do I delete a guest that I shared cameras with?
Click on the three green lines in the upper left-hand corner
Select Shared Cameras
Then, tap the select button in the top right
Individually check the box next to guests you’d like to remove, or Select All at the top to remove all guests
Then, select Delete Guests at the bottom of the screen
Confirm by selecting 'Remove Guest'
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